
How to Permanently Get Rid of Bad Breath

Having bad breath is medically known as halitosis and it is usually a sign of having bad oral hygiene. But there are some people who are convinced that having bad breath is neutral and that is just how their breath is

Having bad breath is medically known as halitosis and it is usually a sign of having bad oral hygiene. But there are some people who are convinced that having bad breath is neutral and that is just how their breath is. If you are suspicious and you think that you have bad breath, here are some of the best remedies that will make your breath stay fresh all day every day.

Brush and Floss Regularly

First and foremost, the thing that you need to be doing at least twice a day is brushing and flossing your teeth. When you are not doing those things on a regular basis it will cause you to have a lot of buildup and all the bacteria will cause you to have bad breath. Another thing that will just add to the bad smell is the trapped food. When you are brushing your teeth regularly as well as flossing you are getting rid of all the buildup that can cause your breath to smell bad.

Rinse Your Mouth Out

Another important step in your oral health routine that you should ensure that you are doing on a daily basis is rinsing your mouth out. It will add an extra layer of protection and help with getting rid of bacteria. But it is important that you don't just do one or the other and just mask the smell. Make sure that you are doing everything and you will have good breath.

Scrape Your Tongue

One of the best ways many people choose to use a tongue scraper. That is because your tongue will harbor a lot of smelly bacteria. In order to get rid of that layer of bacteria on your tongue, you will want to bury it with either a tongue scraper or a toothbrush. That way you will be able to scrape off all of the bacteria, food debris as well as dead cells. But not a lot of people actually do this, so they will struggle with having bad breath. If you want to have good oral hygiene and a fresh breath is cleaning your tongue.

Avoid Foods That Will Sour Your Breath

Food like garlic and onions are your biggest offenders because even if you brush your teeth after you consume them, it won't make things better. That is because when you are consuming them, they will make their way into your bloodstream and when you breathe out you will be able to smell them. Brushing your teeth won't help so eat them only when you know you won't be seeing people.

Stop Smoking

Along with causing cancer, smoking will drain your teeth, damage your gums and give you really bad breath. If you can't stop smoking you can opt for nicotine patches to tame your urge. Not smoking will not only prevent you from getting cancer but it will significantly improve your oral health.

Chew Gum

There is nothing that bacteria love more than sugar. So instead of feeding them sugar and helping them create acid, don't use mints, use spearmint gum. Gum will not only prevent that, but it will also stimulate saliva which will prevent plaque that is responsible for bad breath.

Keep Your Gums Healthy

Another thing that people don't know is that having issues with your gums will cause you to have bad breath. That is because bacteria will gather in the pockets and it will create odor. If you are suspecting that you have any kind of gum disease, make sure that you are visiting a trusted dental laboratory and making sure that that is taken care of.

Keep Your Mouth Moist

If you are not producing enough saliva, you will risk having tooth decay, therefore you will have bad breath. If you have a dry mouth, make sure that you are drinking enough water or chewing gum. You can also get a humidifier to help you out if other things aren't helping you.

Drink Pineapple Juice

There have been a lot of people who believe that drinking pineapple juice is the quickest way you can get rid of bad breath. Even though this fact has not been proven scientifically yet, anecdotal statements are suggesting that it works. If you are drinking a glass of orange juice after every meal or eating a slice of fresh pineapple. But the key thing is that you ensure that the juice is without any sugars as bacteria will feed on sugars and you will get an opposite effect. 


As you can see, there are many things that you can do that will make your oral health better and your breathless smelly. But if you are doing all of those things on a regular basis and you are still struggling with a smelly breath, make sure that you are visiting a professional that will help you find the issue and fix it.


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